Link :: 22.04.2007 :: 17:27
There's always something in the way
There's always something getting through
But it's not me, it's You
Sometimes ignorance rings true
But hop i snot in what I know
Not in me, it's in You
It's all I know
I find peace when I'm confused
I find hope when I'm let down
Not in me, but in You
I hope to lose myself for good
I hope to find it in the end
Not in me, It's You
It's all I know
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and
over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope
Sing to me of the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have
for me over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope
I give you my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope
Link :: 22.04.2007 :: 17:31
modle sie by byc tylko twoja...
pieknie brzmi
eh niektorzy to maja szczescie, bo potrafia znalesc odwage,
dostrzec to cos...
cos czego do tej pory nie udalo mi sie znalesc po raz drugi...
raz to znalazlam, ale sie balam
moze kiedys
przeciez mam tylko 17 lat i wszystko przedemna...
za mniej niz miesiac mam w koncu urodziny
jestem stara :P
poza tym nie jest u mnie zle
wymyslilam plan, ktory jak zwykle zawiedzie, wiec i tak wiecej o nim nie napisze.
z reszta i tak nikt nei skomentuje
a ja pisze bo mam taka ochote
bo podobaja mis ie te dwa teksty
i to @ll
-+Created by Darkness+-