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ostatnio przemyslalam pare spraw, zastanawialam sie nad soba, na swoim postepowaniem, doszlam do paskudnego wniosku, smutno mi z tego wzgledu, ![]() kiedys ktos mnie zapytal czy zaluje czegos ze swojego zycia. powiedzialam wtedy ze nie, ze caly czas gromadze doswiadczenia... moze mialam racje, ale po glebszych przemysleniach, z perspektywy czasu zaluje niektorych sytulacji, to co mowie czasami to usprawiedliwianie samej siebe, a tak na serio to przegapilam bardzo istotna kwestie, w sumie wystawilam na probe pewna osobe, i przegielam, stracilam go, chcialam sprawdzic chyba jego cierpliwosc i za pozno zorienowalam sie ze tego wcale nie chce, ze chce zeby byl blisko a nie na dystans, a teraz juz jest duzo za pozno, jestem glupia i okropna, to sa te moje przemyslenia, smutno mi bo moglo byc zupelnie inaczej Intro: If you just walked away What could I really say? would it matter anyway? would it change how you feel VERSE1: I am the mess you chose the closet you can not close The devil in you I suppose 'cuz the wounds never heal (Chorus): But everything changes if I could turn back the years If you could learn to forgive me then I could learn to feel Verse2: Sometimes the things I say In moments of disarray Succumbing to the games we play To make sure that it's real Chorus) Bridge: When it's just me and you Who knows what we could do If we can just make it through through this part of the day (Chorus) Outro: Then we could Stay here together And we could Conquer the world If we could Say that forever It's more than just a word If you just walked away What could I really say? It wouldn't matter anyway. ale juz nic nie zmienie bez znaczenia jest juz co zrobie i powiem i nie umiem sie z tym pogodzic ;( ![]() przegladalam dzisiaj moje archiwum i znalazlam piosenke tj tekst piosneki ktorej nawet nie kojarze ze ja kiedys sluchalam, a sciagnelam ja i naprawde fana ballada...ciekawe skad wzielam tekst, ale zdalam sobie sprawe ze starsznie pasuje...do aktualnej sytulacji Thanks for all you've done I've missed you for so long I can't believe you're gone You still live in me I feel you in the wind You guide me constantly I've never knew what it was to be alone, no Cause you were always there for me You were always there waiting And ill come home and I miss your face so Smiling down on me I close my eyes to see And I know, you're a part of me And it's your song that sets me free I sing it while I feel I can't hold on I sing tonight cause it comforts me I carry the things that remind me of you In loving memory of The one that was so true Your were as kind as you could be And even though you're gone You still mean the world to me I've never knew what it was to be alone, no Cause you were always there for me You were always there waiting But now I come home and it's not the same, no It feels empty and alone I can't believe you're gone And I know, you're a part of me And it's your song that sets me free I sing it while I feel I can't hold on I sing tonight cause it comforts me I'm glad he set you free from sorrow I'll still love you more tomorrow And you will be here with me still And what you did you did with feeling And You always found the meaning And you always will And you always will And you always will Ooo's And I know, you're a part of me And it's your song that sets me free I sing it while I feel I can't hold on I sing tonight cause it comforts me tak mi strasznie smutno, jesli chcecie to moge Wam przeslac na maila piosenke tylko podajcie meila I feel so sad |
Tak napisali inni: |
18.02.2007 :: 20:39 :: xdsl-6206.lodz.dialog.net.pl Domi Standardowo zrób tak żebyś później nie żałowała, ze czegoś nie zrobiłaś... |
18.02.2007 :: 14:55 :: staticline10759.toya.net.pl anka jeszcze nic straconego. jak ci mowilam to wg. mnie powinnas z nim calkowicie szczerze pogadac ze chcialas go trzymac na dystans, ale jednak zrozumialas cos innego. zrozumie, a co zrobi to juz jego sprawa, ale przynajmniej nie bedzie to znajomosc polegajaca na nieodzywaniu sie do siebie;)just try:) |
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